With Dr. Jeff Thompson, CRIO at Kansas University Medical Center.
Jeff Thompson, Rural Healthcare Advocate and Chief Research Informatics Officer at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
I first met Dr. Thompson through an introduction from our shared colleague and friend from Microsoft, Easan SeIvan. We started a digital healthcare research conversation nearly two years ago that’s still ongoing. Our teams have worked together to build KUMC’s Digital Research Platform, and we’ve recently presented that work at the HIMSS 2023 conference. I have immense respect for the work that Jeff and his team do daily, and I count myself lucky to count him as a friend as well...
Dr. Thompson is known for his work at the University of Kansas Medical Center where he is focused on facilitating clinical research and improving the institution's research informatics infrastructure. He and his teams are developing intuitive informatics tools for researchers to extract meaningful information from unstructured data by leveraging cognitive services (AI/ML). Dr. Thompson also spends his time in statistical genomics researching ways to create holistic cancer models that integrate a range of molecular data to improve prognostic modeling and help us better understand cancer etiology.
One item of focus not mentioned above is Dr. Thompson’s efforts to improve rural healthcare in America. However, that work has been the subject of many of our personal conversations (we’re both from rural America) and this edition of Healthcare’s Data Innovation Newsletter presented a perfect opportunity to continue our conversation in a public forum.
Jake: I’ll kick us off with some statistics on American rural healthcare to help set the background for our readers. 18% of the US population lives in a rural area, that’s about 60M Americans, about twice the population of Texas. Unfortunately, we’ve also seen nearly 140 hospitals close since 2015 in rural geographies with several more in distressed situations. That’s created a situation where the average rural American is now nearly 22 miles from a hospital and one third are more than 30 miles away.
Dr. Thompson: Sobering statistics.
Jake: The above information along with other data points have created a concern about the benefits of healthcare innovations being reserved for those in urban population centers – what are your thoughts?
Dr. Thompson: That story and perception are partly true. Large investments must be made in some cases, and that financial fact will keep those concerns somewhat true. We know rural hospitals tend to have aging equipment and generally lack the the same access to individuals with specialty training on that equipment. However, I wouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the future benefits of innovation will vary widely from region to region in rural America.
Jake: This maybe a terrible comparison but I liken rural healthcare delivery to Dollar General and Walmart. Walmart relies on scalable operations while Dollar General can be nimbler and has a model built to survive where Walmart can’t. Is the future of rural healthcare delivering “just enough” or “just right” services?
Dr. Thompson: That comparison has some grounded reality, but it would need to stretch pretty far. The reality is that there are things that we can do (and are already doing) to stand up healthcare in the right place for the right people. There’s also a lot of things we can’t do. Emergency care for example is just something not easily delivered in small amounts, rural populations have long been aware of that in the US, but, these hospital closures and pending closures make the problem significantly worse.
Here’s an example, Dollar General gets somewhat widely criticized for the types of food it makes available to Americans – but, is it better than nothing when you consider the food deserts that many of their locations are built in? We can’t make the mistake of looking at rural healthcare as a nation-wide problem to be solved. We must focus on the community of rural populations that we are trying to target. What do they specifically need? That’s where we need to leverage data and technology – I am a proponent of creating large statewide databases that help all healthcare stakeholders understand our community level needs along with the challenges faced. We can’t ignore that there is an entire spectrum of care that people need, we need to evaluate our total resources of care continuum options irrespective of which system they belong to, transparently call out the gaps in delivery, and use that information in an intuitive way for rural Americans to understand their nearest infusion, MRI, or emergency care facility.
Jake: Who would be the winners and losers if that database existed?
Dr. Thompson: Things are getting better on this collaboration front. However, hospital systems and even nonprofit hospital systems have to protect their revenue to ensure continued operations. They aren’t going to share data unless they see it as an opportunity to keep their mission alive as well. There are some good recent wins, like the MyChart application from EPIC, which helps patients interact with their care and prescription data from institutions that use EPIC for their medical record system. We need to spend more real effort diving in to help hospital systems understand the joint benefit of intense collaboration with respect to their data. It’s a challenging world in rural healthcare delivery, turning away from that mirror won’t help, but leaning in together will.
Another area that would provide value in this front is patient experience. Care experience is a big part of this rural healthcare story in the US. There is this tendency for lower engagement from rural Americans. That’s not always just about the level of care access they have – engagement is different. We’re not doing a good enough job right now at the county and state levels understanding how satisfied our communities are with their level of care, what challenges they identify, and what they’d like to see change. This is a community level effort, but there’s a lot of benefits this would bring in designing and implementing rural healthcare improvements statewide.
Jake: On the patient experience front, North Carolina Public Radio conducted an interesting study in 2021 that indicated rural Americans are 1.5 times more likely to have a negative view of their current healthcare system and primary care physician. They are also more than 3 times more likely to believe they will die from something preventable in comparison to urban Americans.
Dr. Thompson: Wow, there are a lot of factors at play here. Here is something to consider. Healthcare outcomes and engagement are better when the level of education an individual has is higher. This relationship holds true irrespective of income level. It’s not like education is a causal driver of healthcare outcomes, but there is a relationship that exists. The only explanation for me is that education is associated with a pattern of variables, and decisions that lead to better outcomes. Therefore, understanding that pattern would help us engage rural populations better. I know the pandemic is a touchy subject; but, look at the lower vaccination rates and higher mortality rates in rural areas directly related to Covid19. Some of these outcomes were related to misinformation and lack of engagement with the healthcare system. Although different patterns might relate to other preventable causes of death, the overall idea is the same.
Jake: Certainly, I don’t want to take us down a political pathway, but given vaccination efforts seeing more resistance in rural healthcare, did the pandemic set efforts to improve care in these areas back?
Dr. Thompson: The pandemic is never going to be a simple story with black and white outcomes. But I do believe that rural healthcare received significant boosts during the pandemic.
One item that helped was the increased reimbursement rates we saw during the pandemic for telehealth visits and care. Those rates made telehealth a viable option for hospitals and clinicians, making telehealth normal and attainable is a big win for rural Americans. You can’t solve everything with telehealth, and you likely can’t solve all rural healthcare challenges – but I do think we could leverage data more and in more effective manners.
I did a study a few years back that highlighted how colon cancer care outcome disparities in Kansas are likely related to levels of access. Screenings and preventable care are something we can do right now – you can do mobile colon cancer screenings, that’s a real tangible immediate value. The reality may be that we can’t save every rural hospital and service available, but if a community has a need that is easily exposed with healthcare data, there are things that we can do right now to improve access and potentially save lives.
Jake: Let’s stay there for a moment, these are healthcare systems built on fee for service models and delivering those services within their own institutions. How is delivering care at the edge going to change things for all of us? More importantly, who is responsible or should be responsible for driving those positive changes?
Dr. Thompson: That last one is hard, so why not start there. We can drive a lot of technical innovation, create population and precision health solutions, but one challenge that we have with delivering care at the edge, like colon cancer screenings, is seeing and treating the whole patient. You are generating a lot of good data in targeted preventative care solutions, but by nature they are targeted – we need that data to flow back where it can do even more good. That community level edge of care data needs to make its way to primary physicians, specialists, and the facilities they use.
Connecting things is something we know how to do, but building those institutional relationships is hard work. Responsibility for driving care innovations forward in my mind rests with state and local government entities. Someone, must take charge of organizing partnership efforts across hospital and care systems that span rural geographies.
Jake: Historically healthcare innovation has come from research and academia. Is the low amount of Academic Medical Centers that physically reside in rural America a contributing problematic factor?
Dr. Thompson I think you are looking at this wrong. One of the challenging issues in rural healthcare delivery is that we can’t look at it through the scope of the US as a whole. There are rural areas that are right next to Kansas City, but, they are certainly different than the rural areas on the west side of Kansas. In terms of the lower percentage of academic medical centers in rural America, that’s a research problem generally. R1 institutions require a tremendous number of people working on research and there’s a natural relationship that occurs with urban areas simply based on volume.
Jake: Where did your focus on rural Americans come from? What drives you?
Dr. Thompson: Where I grew up (Maine) has largely impacted the research that I do.
Jake: Do you think one problem with rural healthcare maybe that we don’t have enough doctors with your experience coming from rural America?
Dr. Thompson: This is actually really interesting; this is a question about DEI in general. To what extent do doctor’s personal experiences and the communities they come from inform their efforts in care and research.
I strongly believe that a correlation exists, there are individuals that disagree with me though. I believe that the more we encourage individuals from underrepresented communities and populations to participate in healthcare, the better equality in care delivery we will see. People are driven to give back to the communities they grew up in and participate in, I think we need to do a better job of arming them to do just that. One of the projects I’m involved in is called the Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute, for which, I serve as the co-Informatics core lead. We want to develop an inclusive future workforce by bringing informatics and data science to individuals who may not have thought about them as part of their future through early education awareness. Creating more inclusivity across racial backgrounds, lower incomes, and other statuses is an important step forward.
Jake: How do you reconcile that work, likely driving individuals outside of their rural geographies for education and careers with the need to keep talent thriving in rural America? We need more farmers, teachers, and oil workers too; those latter positions keep people contributing to their hometowns and communities.
Dr. Thompson: That’s a great question and it actually reflects a bit about my personal journey. This subject is something people don’t think about enough. I’m from Maine, and that state is working hard to fight brain drain. Maine’s population is aging, young people are moving away for careers and they aren’t coming back. You know, I tried to go back to Maine and teach at the college level; but it was hard because they preferred external candidates to bring knowledge into the state. However, I did leave and haven’t gone back.
There’s an interesting aspect to one group you mentioned though, farmers. Think about the level of innovation that farmers lean into every day – their equipment, seeds, and operations are cutting edge. How do you latch in to that mindset of embracing the latest and greatest innovations in farming and help drive that in healthcare? It's not a lack of willingness to embrace change, it must be in some way, how change is communicated.
Jake: Insurance is a discussion on it’s own, but do you think insurance is a part of that negativity and difficulty of messaging proper healthcare engagement?
Dr. Thompson: Access to medical care is one part of the utilization story, but using data to understand the specific needs of a community is another part of the story. If we get back to community-based medicine, understand the root causes of health challenges at the community level, and thoughtfully addressing those granular needs then I think that’s something communities will get behind.
Jake: What you’re saying is different than many of the conversations I take part in, read about, and get second hand. There’s a want to be technology first and answer how AI, population health, precision health, and even quantum computing are going to change care delivery. What you are positioning is different and focused on community driven medicine.
Dr. Thompson: Community driven medicine is the key that will unlock better care for rural America, but what I’m saying is that technology provides no silver bullet. That’s important to keep in mind. AI and precision medicine and all things technology have their role, but we need to begin with the end in mind. Find those community level challenges, treat people holistically and deliver on our promise of better care. We need population health – giant models have their value, but they serve us, not vice versa.
Jake: What if the gaps we identify require more services than what are financially feasible? Whose responsibility is it to make sure rural Americans get that care? Is it anybody's?
Dr. Thompson: As I said earlier, my answer is that government should be responsible at the state and county level. Those institutions need to be responsible for identifying specific care needs of their community, the gaps that exist, and coordinate efforts to address them. Keep in mind those care solutions will be delivered outside of these government institutions, care will be driven by hospitals and physicians, and clinics. However, someone has to take responsibility for coordinating data, efforts, and outcomes.
Jake: Do you think Academic Medical Centers play a role in that?
Dr. Thompson: We do and in a variety of ways. We help to identify the problems currently in our research efforts, we help to identify the solutions in clinical innovations and outreach, and we help to deliver those solutions. My colon cancer example from earlier is a good example, KUMC helped to highlight the challenge, identify a solution, and support the delivery of that solution by making testing available to those who need it. That thought and execution leadership is important in efforts to advocate locally and nationally.
Jake: Is that working well enough? What if you could take your experience back to when you were 22 at Dartmouth? What (if anything) would you do differently to fix rural healthcare?
Dr. Thompson: I’ve never found it helpful to look backward too far. Especially, when I know that right now I am making a difference in my role within the institution that I’m at. But, there are a lot of roles and individuals involved in this effort and I don’t' think any of us or our roles are more important than any other stakeholder.
My answer also slightly depends on if you look at rural healthcare outcomes as a moving target, as I do . We have made and continue to make progress. Until very recently life expectancy in the US was moving up and that included rural Americans too. Now, their movement has not been as drastic as urban populations, but it has moved significantly. Another example of where we need to do better is in suicide rates. Suicide rates are more than two times higher in rural America as they are in urban populations. That’s a mental health challenge, that in and of itself, is hard to solve. However, care doesn't require expensive equipment and facilities in many cases. Care depends on access to qualified professionals and smart interventions, telehealth can make that a reality. I’d love to see what we could do at a community level to address this specifically. The other side of the coin is emergency services, I just don’t see a path forward on delivering the highest quality emergency care that's close to every rural American in the near future.
Jake: Thanks for your time today Jeff, your continued research efforts to drive care outcomes forward across many populations, and lastly for your friendship.